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Five Health Hacks for Busy Women

1. Prioritize rest

Yes, you are busy - too busy to crash from exhaustion mid afternoon or halfway through family dinner! Go to bed early, sleep in when you can, and try to listen to your body.

Don't assume that what your body needs most is to wake up at 4 am to work out. If you're short on sleep overall, maybe it needs the sleep more.

2. Hydrate

Always have water within arms reach when you’re sitting down. A good stainless steel or glass water bottle is a great way to do that, or a lidded mason jar with a straw. Caffeinated beverages - while wonderful - do NOT count for this!

The Plant Nanny app is a great way to track and motivate hydration!

3. Routines

Pick a healthy breakfast and make it every weekday morning. There’s nothing wrong with sweet potatoes and eggs for a week! You can rotate weekly, but just having a plan and being able to put a healthy choice on autopilot makes life easier.

For me, breakfast on weekdays is always a rocket fuel tea latte inspired by The Keto Diet. It’s Earl Grey, Lady Grey, or Chai tea, with collagen, Celtic sea salt, stevia, and heavy cream. I put it in my Yeti so it stays piping hot for hours, and sip it all morning. It keeps me full, satisfied, and fueled until lunch (usually leftovers or a salad).

4. Buy what you should eat, don’t buy what you shouldn’t.

Make a grocery list, and stick with it. This will help your budget and your health. I like to have one healthy-ish treat option for the week. Dark chocolate, Halo Top ice cream,ingredients for a keto cheesecake - or a mango or fresh berries!

5. Epsom salt baths

A nice soak in a hot bath is incredibly rejuvenating on its own - but adding Epsom salts is one way to relax that may also help your health. Epsom salts are made of magnesium - a vital mineral that some find helps with sleep and headaches. So I love to pour in a few cups and soak!

These are my go-to tools to practically work to maintain and improve my overall health. What would you add to this list? I'd love to hear what you do to take steps to be healthier.


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